
Generic term for a local tutelary deity. India. Such deities are identified as “not being served by Brahman priests.” Most are goddesses e.g. CAMUNDADURGA and KALI. Generally they are invoked in small villages where they guard boundaries and fields and are represented by a painted stone, but they are also to be found in larger towns and cities.

Homeopathy and Personal Growth

by Anja Heij

Generally homoeopathy is believed to work thoroughly but slowly.
Indeed I know many examples of constitutional treatment (meaning whole-person-healing) with homoeopathy that take months or even some years to complete. During these treatments people go through various stages of healing on the physical, emotional and/or mental plane. They lay off psychological coat after coat, defenses once necessary to facilitate the best possible option to live under a certain circumstance. These defense mechanisms, ways to behave, beliefs or habits, have served you during a period of your life. But life is growth and change, and after some time these known patterns become outgrown, outdated, and start to form a block for further progress. Then it is time to clutter out your life, like you would do with your wardrobe. You won’t wear a pair of shoes of thirty years old any longer, do you?

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