Do Fairies Exist?

by Dora Van Gelder

Many people are willing and even longing to believe in the existence of fairies. The Little People are so bound up with happy memories of childhood that they are recalled with delight as part of a less materialistic world. But, to most of us, they stand as a lost illusion. Not so with everyone, fortunately. For I, amongst others, have seen all kinds of fairies for as long as I can remember, and I still see them daily. By seeing I mean that they are as much outside me as trees, and are seen just as objectively.

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Clover (Trifolium spp.):

 Mercury. Associated with the Triple Goddess. Used inrituals for beauty and youth. Four-leafed clovers are carried to see fairies, heal illness, avoid military service, avoid madness, and as a general good-luck charm. To dream of clover is considered very fortunate, especially for young people.

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Souls haven’t always been human. Most otherkin refer to dragon, fairies, fae, elves, and other mystical creatures, although angels and aliens can also be classified as otherkin. You don’t really think the idea for Hobbits came out of thin air for Tolkien, did you? Imagination has to come from somewhere, it’s usually from past life memories.
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