Diana, queen of night,
In all your beauty bright,
Shine on us here,
And with your silver beam
Unlock the gate of dream;
Rise bright and clear.
On earth and sky and sea,
Your magic mystery
Its spell shall cast,
Wherever leaf may grow,
Wherever tide may flow,
Till all be past.
O secret queen of power,
At this enchanted hour
We ask your boon.
May fortune’s favor fall
Upon true witches all,
O Lady Moon!

Dream Pillows

One of the popular magics for herbs is fashioning dream pillows. These are little pillows stuffed with herbs to affect a desired result and placed under the pillow of the person to be affected. They make great gifts. The colour of the pillow varies as do the herbs depending on the purpose for which it is made. If the pillow is to be made for dreaming the/any ingredients should be collected during the waxing or full moon.

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Dream Ease Herb Pillows

For dream enhancing pillows the easiest method is to buy already made muslin bags. These come in several sizes and are easy to get online or at local craft shops. You simply fill the bags with the herbs denoted below.
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Dream Catcher Instructions

To Native Americans, dreams were messages sent by sacred spirits. According to legend, the hole in the centre of a dream catcher web allows good dreams to reach the sleeper, while the web itself traps the bad dreams until they disappear with the first light of morning.
The following steps will help you to create a personalised dream catcher.
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Dream Pillow

In the same way that certain fragrances, like baking bread or fresh roses, evoke a pleasant memory for you, herbs also evoke pleasant associations of memory. Our noses are said to be the most direct route to our minds and recollections. The subtle fragrances in the Dream Pillow blends are mixed to give you pleasant, interesting dreams, a good night’s sleep and to promote other aromatherapy uses.

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To see a horse in your dream, symbolizes strength, power, endurance, virility and sexual prowess. It also represents a strong, physical energy. You need to tame the wild forces. The dream may imply that you have been horsing around. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you need to be less arrogant and “get off your high horse”.

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To see a hippopotamus in your dream, symbolizes your aggressive nature and your hidden strengths. You have more influence and power than you realize. Alternatively, it indicates that you are being territorial. Perhaps someone is overstepping their boundaries.

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To see a goat in your dream, represents your lack of judgment and your gullibility. Alternatively, goats are symbolic of sexuality, sexual desire, and lechery. Also consider the associations with the goat as in “scapegoat” or “getting someone’s goat”. Do you feel that you have been blamed for someone else’s deed?

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To see a frog in your dream, represents a potential to change or something unexpected. The frog may be a prince in disguise and thus, signify transformation. Alternatively, the frog symbolizes uncleanness, fertility, or rebirth.

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To see fish swimming in your dream, signifies insights from your unconscious mind. Thus to catch a fish, represents insights which have been brought to the surface.


Alternatively, a fish swimming in your dream may symbolize conception. Some women dream of swimming fish when they get pregnant. The fish is also an ancient symbol of Christianity and Christian beliefs. Consider also the common phrases “like a cold fish”, “fish out of water” or something that is “fishy” about a situation. It may also imply a slippery or elusive situation.

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