False Unicorn 

MEDICINAL: False Unicorn is very soothing for a delicate stomach. It also stimulates the reproductive organs in women and men. This herb is very important for use during menopause, due to its positive effects on uterine disorders, headaches, and depression.

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The scent of Frankincense is native to North Africa, it has a rich, warming balsamic smell, and a pale yellow to greenish color. Relaxes and relieves tension. Best used as a room fragrance. I use it as a body fragrance (grin).

The medicinal /therapeutic effect of this oil consists of helping to repair cuts and small wounds, it also helps with strengthening our natural immunity.  Frankincense also helps with nervous depression. It can help clear a busy overworked mind. Good oil to burn for yoga and meditation.

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Larimar by Rhiana Moonstar

A gentle, soft, sky-blue Caribbean healer. Brings tranquility of water/sea and air to heart and mind. Soothes and uplifts hurt, fear, depression, pain of life, changes with love. Self-expression, patience, acceptingness, simplicity, creativity, artwork. With red spots: helps gentle people be assertive. Cools, draws out inflamation, fevers, sunburn heat. Especially helps the creativity and throat chakra (shoulder, thyroid, nose). Pleasantly uplifts the heart and eases stress.

Emerald by Rhiana Moonstar

Receptive. Element: Earth. Beryl. Strengthens heart chakra for abundance, growth, peace, harmony, patience, love, fidelity, honesty. Lifts depression, insomnia. Knowingness of the heart, peaceful dreams.

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Another useful stone! Place one on your altar to lend extra energy to magickal spells. Guards against negativity and depression, calms and soothes. Enhances the ability to give and recieve love. Increases business success, money. Promotes sleep. Very protective against physical dangers. Wonderful stone to use in the protection of children, and during travel.




— This is another of my favorite stones. It comes in beautiful transparent shades of blue, green, and lavendar. It works well to strengthen the power of all other stones. It helps to straighten out the thoughts, and has the ability to reduce the level of emotions in any situation, so that a more accurate, logical perspective can be had. It also heightens analytical abilities, and effectively lowers anger, depression, and desperation.












*Against paralysis of the muscles and nerves, against facial paralysis and enormous pains, like colic.
*Use as a therapy stone in case of Multiple Sclerosis, depression, hallucinations and epilepsy.
*Strengthens kidneys and bladder.
*Apophyllite opens the heart chakra.

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African Pyrite

Used for focus, practicality, logic, memory, clearing fuzzy thinking/scattered ness etc. like Hematite. Helps Yellow Chakra: Stomach, intestines, ulcers; sulphur and mineral assimilation, circulation, body acidity imbalances, depression, illusions/lack of clarity about situations/people. Great for grounding spiciness after meditation/psychic readings. Represents Sun’s golden energy.