
God of underground primeval waters. Mesopotamian (Babylonian-Akkadian). Derived from the Sumerian ABZU. In the Babylonian creation epic Enuma Elisˇ, Apsu is killed, while sleeping, by ENKI, who establishes his own abode above the deeps. Apsu’s death triggered the cosmic challenge between the forces of MARDUK and TIAMAT.


Praise for the Mother of Us All

You are the cauldron of wisdom,
From which inspiration flows.
You are the broad Earth,
which gives birth to all life.
You are the circling Moon,
ruling the tides of oceans and women.
You are the endless night sky,
filled with numberless stars.
You are a grove of birth trees,
shining in the forest deeps.
You are the Mother of us all,
and we look to you in wonder and awe.

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