Maxine Immelman-Venter

Maxine Immelman-Venter is the author of ‘The Herb Chronicles’ Childrens series (ages 5-12), ‘The Healing Garden – Complete guide to 50 flowers and plants’ and ‘Flower Essences – corresponding with The Healing Garden’


Reviews on The Herb Chronicles (ages 5-12)
Wow! The Herb Chronicles are an excellent way for children to learn about herbs and their uses and benefits. The stories are informative and also inspire children to use their imagination. The word puzzles are great for building literacy skills as well vocabulary. This unique book series will have many children eager to start their own herb gardens and to use alternative remedies and cures. I can’t wait for the next series!
Shanna Wilson
Waldorf Educator at the Waldorf School at Rosemary Hill
B.Ed Early Childhood Development
I found this series extremely educational for my 11-year-old daughter, as well as for myself! The Herb Chronicles portray the value of medicinal plants very well. This collection will be beneficial to all children, as various language skills are combined within each story. I was hooked and I couldn’t wait for the next book to be sent to us! I would recommend it for the whole family, not only the children.
Liezel Pretorius
School Educator
Extremely refreshing! I had a very enjoyable read and the kids loved it! The puzzles were a great way to keep them busy, and they learnt a lot about medicinal plants, while stimulating their math and language skills at the same time. My wife loved trying out the recipes with the children. It is definitely something new and different. Just one warning though: Your kids will want a dog like Freyja!
Craig Caldwell
