Greek creation myths

by Daphne Elliott

In the beginning, Chaos, an amorphous, gaping void encompassing the entire universe, and surrounded by an unending stream of water ruled by the god Oceanus, was the domain of a goddess named Eurynome, which means “far-ruling” or “wide-wandering”.

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Chaos Magick by Eris

…all Nature was all Chaos,
The rounded body of all things in one,
The living elements at war with lifelessness…
The Metamorphosis, Ovid

Chaos magick is the fruit of Austin Osman Spare and Peter Carroll’s rebellion against the traditional magickal systems which they deemed needelessly complicated, discriminatory and impotent.

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Dragon Types

Air – Air Dragons are the third rarest of the four types of Elemental Dragons. Members of this breed belong to a race of Draconic beings. At times join forces with the dragons of fire and volcanoes, seas and other waters, mountains and forests, and chaos. Sometimes there is conflict of elemental powers, producing great atmospheric and environmental disturbances, but mostly the elementals work in harmony.

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Alistair Livingstone


Inspired, no doubt foolishly, by a new moon and the Cramps`”Psychedelic Jungle”, I have decided to enter the Thelema vs Chaos debate. This is of course an impossible task, which is no doubt why it appeals to me.

Firstly, what is it that distinguishes Thelma from Chaos? In Starfire, Mick Staley attempts to distinguish Thelema from Crowleyanity. Thelema he suggested pre-existed Crowley`s formulation of it. This immediately causes problems, since for the majority of magicians, Crowley = Thelema. But if it can be accepted that there is a something which exists independently of Crowley`s writings, then it must be this something (Thelema) which is to be contrasted with Chaos Magick. The core of this something, I suggest, is the Will. Is this idea of the Will in any way opposed to Chaos?

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