Homeopathy and Personal Growth

by Anja Heij

Generally homoeopathy is believed to work thoroughly but slowly.
Indeed I know many examples of constitutional treatment (meaning whole-person-healing) with homoeopathy that take months or even some years to complete. During these treatments people go through various stages of healing on the physical, emotional and/or mental plane. They lay off psychological coat after coat, defenses once necessary to facilitate the best possible option to live under a certain circumstance. These defense mechanisms, ways to behave, beliefs or habits, have served you during a period of your life. But life is growth and change, and after some time these known patterns become outgrown, outdated, and start to form a block for further progress. Then it is time to clutter out your life, like you would do with your wardrobe. You won’t wear a pair of shoes of thirty years old any longer, do you?

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