Eating under your own apple tree:

Celtic Shamanism in herbal practice.
Written by Andrew Johnson MAMH. MBANT. DThD. RIr.

Introduction: My interest in Celtic Shamanism started about nine years ago. I had been
running a successful clinical practice since 1984 and for many years been involved in the study and practice of Ayurveda. For some time I had been aware that on a deep level I felt like I was missing something important. This feeling persisted and I eventually realised it related to an inner call to reconnect with the land and traditional healing wisdom of my ancestors (of Britain and Ireland) and the herbs and animals of this land. I was feeling a sense of disconnection and loss, and felt instinctively that reconnection would in some way be healing for me. This feeling led me to join the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids that gave me my first experience of Celtic Shamanism and healing. My experience since then has also been greatly deepened by training with the well-known Celtic scholars and authors Caitlin and John Matthews.

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