Here we come apiping,
In Springtime and in May;
Green fruit aripening,
And Winter fled away.
The Queen she sits upon the strand,
Fair as lily, white as wand;
Seven billows on the sea,
Horses riding fast and free,
And bells beyond the sand.

Continue reading “MAY DAY CHANT”


by Daniel A. Kelin, II

A big snake living in the waters between Mili atoll in the Marshall Islands and Kiribati. The snake is as big as an island house, long and black. The end of the snake faces Mili and the tail faces Kiribati. It is said if you get lost when sailing, you enter the snake. You get confused, without being able to see stars or feel the waves. Spending one or two days inside, you get scared, try to run away and turn yourself around from south to north. Then you will spend another day or two inside. Finally you die from hunger and thirst. It is said that if you do end up inside, look for the Kaböj bird named Lokto. When the bird sees your canoe, it will fly away. Follow it because it will show you where you entered the snake. If an experienced island navigator enters it, they chant:

Continue reading “Amam”

On Friends by The Dalai Lama

Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend – or a meaningful day. ✿❀•✿❀•*”˜˜”*°•. …
Dalai Lama

*Amethyst remedy for loneliness*

*There is a crystal remedy for loneliness. My grandmother taught me this.
*You will need a good size amethyst, put it in consecrated water and consecrate it as you would any other precious stone. Direct your focus onto the crystal, think about having good moments, happy moments and loneliness fading away. You also can envision yourself busy, or to have your husband touch the crystal so you will feel his presence no matter where he is.

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Learn How To Feel Life Energy

Practice #4: Take the wand and point it to sensitive parts of your body.

  1. Feel one end of the wand with the palm of any one of your hands. To feel the life energy, hold the palm about one inch from the end of the wand.
    2. Point the wand to the wrist of the hand, again one inch away.
    3. Hold your fingers in front of the wand, one by one.
    4. Point the wand toward the area of the forehead that is in the center between the eyes, one inch away.
    5. Do the same thing with any other area of your body.

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Apple Divination by Cheryl Lynne Bradley

We have all heard and used the expression “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” This expression is based on a very old superstition and is one of many associated with apples. I am quite sure that you have all held an apple in one hand and twisted the stem while reciting the alphabet to ascertain the initial of that “special someone” – the apple of our eye. I am equally as certain we have all gotten happy feet and sang along with the Andrew’s Sisters “Don’t Sit Under the Apple Tree With Anyone Else But Me”. In “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne, we are moved and touched by the gracious and dignified austerity of Hester Prynne’s declaration “A is for Apple.” There is a very long tradition of prediction and divination with apples. A great many of them, of course, are associated with love and relationships.

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I Drop My Fears

I drop my fears into your ocean
and watch them sink from sight.
I place my fears on your broad Earth
and see them rot away.
I put my fears into your hands
and they are no more.
When you offer your arms to me,
Great Mother,
your hands hold nothing but love.

Continue reading “I Drop My Fears”

Home Protection Spell

The best protection for your home is to lock up when you are away. Lock the windows, the doors, and any other openings. When going away for the weekend on vacation, a protection spell works best if no one knows you are away except a trusted friend. Stop the mail, don’t order things that may be delivered while you are gone, or have someone check for packages. Once the prep work is done, place a black stone such as onyx, jet, or smoky quartz under the doormat or near the door, and say:
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by Dr Anthony E. Smart

The creator god of the African Bushmen, Kaang is said to have made all things, but met with such opposition in the world that he went away. He is regarded as the god of natural phenomena, present in all things, but especially the mantis and caterpillar. Receiving disobedience from the first men he had created, Kaang sent fire and destruction to Earth, and removed his abode into the top of the sky. Kaang has many myths attached to him, and is almost figured as an epic hero himself.

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by Dr Anthony E. Smart

A Peruvian myth. Coniraya, the moon god, is said to have shaped his sperm into the likeness of a fruit which Cavillaca, a virgin goddess, unwittingly ate, thereby becoming pregnant; she bore a son. She called all the gods together and demanded to know who was the boy’s father. When no one owned up to it she placed the boy on the ground whereupon he crawled toward Coniraya. Cavillaca, ashamed because the moon god was the poorest and seediest of the gods, grabbed her son and ran away. When she reached the coast of Peru she changed her son and herself to rocks.