Clear Quartz:

Mirror of the soul, representing our uniqueness and our journey towards clarity; an excellent stone for meditation. In combination with other stones, enhances their energy. Stores, amplifies, transforms, and focuses energy. Natural crystal point.



Introduction to Wicca

What it is….What it isn’t
First and foremost, Welcome and Blessed be, you have chosen to persue a wonderous path, and to get you started out on the right foot, I am going to HIGHLY recommend that you run out and purchase a copy of Scott Cunningham’s Book “The Truth about Witchcraft Today”, by Llewellyn Publications, (no I don’t work for them, It is just an excellent starting book) and hopefully I’m not invading any copyright infringments by typing this, but what I am giving you here is the introduction taken straight from his book, it’s excellently written, and I don’t want to change a thing.So here it is…word for word..

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