Hare Moon Ritual: Banishing Negativity with Roses by Gwydion & Freya

This full moon circle ritual was written for the May full moon in the year 2000 — the Hare moon. It is presented here as inspiration and raw material to others creating ritual circles. -Gwydion This circle is designed for banishing negativity from the participant’s life in a rather nice way that combines all elements, physical preparation and completion. We found it very beautiful.

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A Self Dedication Ritual by David Rankine and Sorita

A Self Dedication Ritual
For more information on the authors please visit -www.avalonia.co.uk or if you wish to contact them please write to: BM Avalonia, London, WC1N 3XX, United Kingdom. (Please include a SAE) © David Rankine & Sorita 2000

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How to find a Coven or Group by David Rankine and Sorita

For more information on the authors please visit -www.avalonia.co.uk or if you wish to contact them please write to: BM Avalonia, London, WC1N 3XX, United Kingdom. (Please include a SAE)© David Rankine & Sorita 2000

Continue reading “How to find a Coven or Group by David Rankine and Sorita”


by Alan G. Hefner
A female demon of the night who supposedly flies around searching for newborn children either to kidnap or strangle them. Also, she sleeps with men to seduce them into propagating demon sons. Legends told about Lilith are ancient. The rabbinical myths of Lilith being Adam’s first wife seem to relate to the Sumero-Babylonian Goddess Belit-ili, or Belili. To the Canaanites, Lilith was Baalat, the “Divine Lady.” On a tablet from Ur, ca. 2000 BCE, she was addressed as Lillake.

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