Anchin and Kiyohime / Tale of Dojoji

Region: Kii Province, Near Kyoto, Japan
Time Period: 10th Century, booklet dated 1660
References in Literature: Catalogue, 1920
Sources: Dragons and Dragon Lore, “The Tale of Dojoji” by Monogatari, Pantheon/articles, XDrac, Illiana, Ghosts and the Japanese

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Goddess or Queen? 

The enigmatic carving at Braunston in Rutland

Bob Trubshaw

Although church carvings are a generally neglected aspect of our heritage, one of Rutland’s grotesques is comparatively well known. This is the enigmatic, although most certainly female, figure which for many years was used face-down as a doorstep to All Saints’ church, Braunston in Rutland (near Oakham – 141:833066), before being rediscovered about 1920. Since then she has stood in various places outside the church, and is currently at the west end by the base of the tower.

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