Fantastic New Book Trailer Videos From Peever Publishing!

Hello, friends and fans!

I listed some new videos in last weeks’ Peek @ My Week that Nige Peever made, and I must say he’s really been prolific with the marketing! I’m really, really impressed with these new ads! Here they are again, with some new ones:

Until next time.

Thanks again for all your support, sharing, friendship and interaction!

As always, feel free to email or follow or message me via Facebook if you have any comments or questions!

Until next time, keep reading!


Digital Autograph Christina Engela

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All material copyright © Christina Engela, 2022.

Free Audiobook: Dead Beckoning

“Dead Beckoning” Galaxii Series: Book 3

For nearly a century, the fearsome Corsairs had waged a campaign of terror against the Human colonies, plundering and making travel along the space lanes that were the lifelines of the Terran Empire a risky business. The fact that while they had done so, they’d succeeded in keeping the location of their base a closely guarded secret, had become a sore point for the Terran Space Fleet.

And then, one day, quite unexpectedly, the Corsair’s maddening luck had finally ran out. The Terran fleet descended on the Corsairs home world in full force.

After nearly two days of fierce fighting, the threat appeared to have finally been neutralized. In orbit, the wreckage of the once feared Black Fleet drifted, blazing. Below, the Corsair civilization breathed its last, like a dying Phoenix waiting on its chance to be reborn… If not on Meradinis, then… somewhere else.

Like every soldier who leaves home to go to war, Adam hoped to return to the arms of his love – but Adam wasn’t exactly a soldier, and Marsha… well, Marsha wasn’t exactly standard spec either… but if he did return at all, he hoped to return to her.

Narrated by: Edmund Bloxam, Published by Peever Publishing

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Audiobook: (Free Codes Below)





Book Trailer Videos:

Free Audiobook: Demonspawn

“Demonspawn” Galaxii Series: Book 2

The I.S.S. Mordrake is in serious trouble – after a skirmish with a Corsair marauder, she is stranded in deep space far from regular shipping routes – and death appears certain.

…but in space, not all things are certain, not even death.

Adrift and stranded in deep space with no hope of rescue, the I.S.S. Mordrake has six months’ worth of food left, but just less than two weeks of air – and things are looking pretty grim. And, as if there’s not enough on their plate already, something dark and mysterious drifts into their path – an ancient derelict ship littered with the dusty remains of its long-dead crew!

The derelict presents an all-too convenient and timely solution to their problem, offering the desperate castaways the spare parts they badly need to repair their ship… but nothing’s ever really that easy, is it?

There’s no such thing as a free lunch out here, in the cold empty wastes of deep space.

Narrated by: Nigel Peever, Published by Peever Publishing

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Audiobook: (Free Codes Below)




Free Audiobook: Blachart

“Blachart” Galaxii Series: Book 1 by Christina Engela


Life hardly ever turns out the way we expect it to, and for Mykl d’Angelo, skipper and owner of the loderunner Pegasus, it had just taken a bad turn for terrible.

Due a minor misunderstanding, his crew had stolen the ship’s only shuttle, leaving him and two others behind to crew the ailing ship on their own. As if that weren’t bad enough, just a few hours later the rickety old ship’s stardrive exploded in the middle of the middle of nowhere, killing Mykl’s two remaining crewmen.

Marooned alone in deep space, Mykl d’Angelo counted his blessings, offered prayers to any gods who specialized in miracles, and prepared to await (A) seemingly unlikely rescue, or (B) a lingering death…

Rescue takes place, but at a price – as the Antares, a cruiser dispatched to investigate the mysterious silence of a remote starbase, crosses paths with a legendary and fearsome Corsair – a man whose name sent shivers down the spines of lesser mortals.

Blachart… Blachart the Bloody.

Narrated by: Nigel Peever

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Audiobook: (Free Codes Below)





The Herb Chronicles – Adventures with Freyja

Why the Herb Chronicles are the new Black
This unique, fun and educational book series was written by an Advanced Master Herbalist and Naturopath and is aimed at educating children from the ages of 5 to 11.
The younger ones will love it when you read the story to them! It creates bonding time and also helps them with the pronunciation of words.
The Herb Chronicles will sweep your children away into fun adventures with delightfully realistic characters while they learn important facts, history, medicinal benefits and practical applications of various herbs and plants.
In fact, YOU will be learning a few things, too!
In the first set of 12 stories, they learn practical applications and benefits of Aloe Vera, Basil, Chamomile, Ginger, Golden Rod, Thyme, Yarrow, Lavender, Nasturtiums, Mint, Elderberry and Rosemary.
The storyline is carried throughout the 12 books and they follow up on each other. In each book a specific use of an herb or plant is explored.
Every book comes with printable worksheets that will aid comprehension, teach them new words and make learning a lot of fun! Every story is also accompanied by a recipe (or two) for them to make. These recipes cover healing ointments, cough syrups, healthy drinks, and even bath salts!
They all present a fantastic opportunity for you to help them and create valuable family time!
As parents we want our children to grow up with the skills and virtues of empathy, compassion, respect, and love for our environment.
But how do we manage to teach them these values in today’s world when our children are bombarded with indoctrinated messages from the media, peer groups and other outside influences?
The Herb Chronicles – Adventures with Freyja is your secret weapon!
How will the Herb Chronicles help improve your child?
1. When fussy eaters can choose their own, healthy ingredients, they are more willing to eat it. This is especially true if they know the benefits and have grown their own herbs and vegetables.
2. Children take pride in things that they make themselves. Feel the excitement when they start making things with their knowledge of healing herbs! It builds amazing self-confidence and is great for the soul.
3. Education and understanding is a powerful persuader. When children interact with and understand the food they eat (and realize the time and effort involved) they are much happier to eat it.
4. The puzzles were designed to test their comprehension and learn new words. They need fun stimulation to develop their brains. Bonding time is also created.
5. These books will teach them about complex issues like acceptance and empathy, and how to react to certain real-life situations as part of their moral development.
6. When children develop their imagination, they learn to think outside of the box. This is a crucial skill for problem-solving in real life.
7. Children develop resilience by seeing characters make mistakes. When the characters correct their mistakes and get right up again, it teaches them to bounce back from setbacks.
8. Develop your child’s senses: touch, taste, smell, sound, and sight, by helping them discover the real plants in your herb garden. You don’t need to have a large space for planting. Even watching plants growing in a window sill will do!
9. You can transfer your passion for natural, healthy and holistic living to your children in a FUN way!


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Maxine Immelman-Venter

Maxine Immelman-Venter is the author of ‘The Herb Chronicles’ Childrens series (ages 5-12), ‘The Healing Garden – Complete guide to 50 flowers and plants’ and ‘Flower Essences – corresponding with The Healing Garden’


Reviews on The Herb Chronicles (ages 5-12)
Wow! The Herb Chronicles are an excellent way for children to learn about herbs and their uses and benefits. The stories are informative and also inspire children to use their imagination. The word puzzles are great for building literacy skills as well vocabulary. This unique book series will have many children eager to start their own herb gardens and to use alternative remedies and cures. I can’t wait for the next series!
Shanna Wilson
Waldorf Educator at the Waldorf School at Rosemary Hill
B.Ed Early Childhood Development
I found this series extremely educational for my 11-year-old daughter, as well as for myself! The Herb Chronicles portray the value of medicinal plants very well. This collection will be beneficial to all children, as various language skills are combined within each story. I was hooked and I couldn’t wait for the next book to be sent to us! I would recommend it for the whole family, not only the children.
Liezel Pretorius
School Educator
Extremely refreshing! I had a very enjoyable read and the kids loved it! The puzzles were a great way to keep them busy, and they learnt a lot about medicinal plants, while stimulating their math and language skills at the same time. My wife loved trying out the recipes with the children. It is definitely something new and different. Just one warning though: Your kids will want a dog like Freyja!
Craig Caldwell


The Crow Bar

Who are we?

The Crow Bar dot coza is a listing site for indie authors run by indie authors. Right now, we’re still new and shiny, and although we’re starting out small, we intend to get much bigger!

As indie authors ourselves, we know how hard it is to get attention for our books – and the need to get listed everywhere one can to get as much attention as possible! We want to help, and honestly we’d love to do it for free, but face it – webhosting and domains and managing a website takes time and costs money!

Continue reading “The Crow Bar”

Wendy K. Engela – Poet

Wendy Keran Engela (neé Gloss) has all the right qualifications, skills and experience to be regarded as a Gothic artist and poet, including being an incorrigible grammar-Nazi, having the prerequisite dark existential outlook, depression, a twisted sense of humor – and having survived at least one (official) suicide attempt.

Wendy – who prefers to be called ‘Kay’ – began experimenting with poetry at 15, beginning with her first effort “Darkness Falls”, quickly followed by her second, “Tombstone”, which resulted in some pretty worried looks from her mother. Since that time, Kay went on to write over 100 more poems (which her parents have never read).

Kay was born in Springs (the town, not actually wearing them) and later grew somewhat taller in a tiny flyspeck on the map called “Kriel”. Continue reading “Wendy K. Engela – Poet”

Christina Engela – Author

Christina Engela, one of South Africa’s most unique, prolific and skilled storytellers, has already written and published numerous fiction and non-fiction titles and is best known for her creative sci-fi stories and realistic characterization. The Port Elizabethan writer brings a wealth of personal experience to each of her stories, and with more than one new offering in the pipeline at any given time – and new titles being made available in audiobook format, the future is bound to be busy for her fans! You can find out more on Continue reading “Christina Engela – Author”