
MEDICINAL: Used for treating bronchitis, rashes, and to increase mother’s milk. The infusion is used as an eyewash.

MAGICKAL: Carrying the fresh blossoms brings courage. The tea will induce your psychic powers.

GROWING: Borage was once widely planted in gardens throughout Europe. It was brought to the United States, and now grows wild in much of the eastern half of the nation. It is an annual that grows in most soils, tolerates dry spells, and prefers full sun, reaching to 2 feet in height.

BORAGE: (Borago officionalis) The flowers decorate salads and cakes and are frozen in ice cubes. The cooling, mineral-rich leaves flavor drinks, dips, and salt-free diets. A leaf and flower infusion is an adrenaline tonic taken for stress, depression, or cortisone and steroid treatment. It reduces fevers, dry coughs, and dry skin rashes. Pressed seed oil can be used like Evening Primrose for menstrual and irritable bowel problems, eczema, blood pressure, arthritis and hangovers.

  1. a) Parts Used:  Flower, leaf, stem and seeds
  2. b) Magical Use: Tea aids psychic power. Carry the leaves for protection. Carry the fresh blossoms to strengthen your courage. Use in money and business spells.

Borage : Courage, Psychic Powers



Has anti-inflammatory effect and benefits he skin; used for chronic inflammation, diabetes, PMS, and skin diseases.




Capsules, liquid oil.


None known.


Contains omega-6 essential fatty acids.

Author: Wendy K. Engela

I am always ready to answer questions about my marketing business or writing... All you need to know about me is on my websites.

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