Eris   EE ris

Goddess of Discord

Sister of Ares (the god of War), daughter of Zeus and Hera, the hand of Eris can be seen in every quarrel, feud and disagreement. Her eternal and unforgiving rage was the cause of fear and respect on Mount Olympos (Olympus), though despised by the Olympians they dared not confront her.

She rode into battle with her brother and companion, Ares, but she was more generally known for the less deadly forms of conflict; political strife, personal contention, rivalry and wrangling.

She is often confused with the Roman goddess, Discordia.


Eris in The Iliad (listed by book and line)

  • 04.441 …Eris (Discord) was the sister and companion of Ares, god of War
  • 05.518 …Aineias (Aeneas) returned from the fighting unwounded because the god of the silver bow (Apollon), Ares and Eris (Discord) were fighting with the Trojans
  • 11.073 …The soldiers fought like wolves while Eris, the Lady of Sorrow, watched with pleasure
  • 18.535 …The shield that Hephaistos (Hephaestus) forged for Akhilleus (Achilles) had a scene where soldiers fought at the edge of a river; Eris was there dragging a dead man by the feet and holding a wounded man; with her was Kydoimos (Cydoimos) (Confusion) and Kera (Cera) Black Fate
  • 20.048 …When the Immortals joined the battle for Troy, Eris, defender of people, burst onto the battlefield

Author: Wendy K. Engela

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