
Region: Lithuania
Time Period: 1547 (first mention)
References in Literature: None
Sources: Ancient Deities pg 31, Giants, Monsters, and Dragons pg 10, Circle of the Dragon others


  • Changes appearance – indoors it’s a cock or a black cat, outdoors its a dragon with a fiery tail
  • Can bring both good luck and bad luck to it’s masters, but will bring stolen money.
  • Can be purchased – the price is a soul.
  • The bad news – once you have one, they’re near impossible to get rid of.
  • Eats omlets
  • If injured, would be healed by just touching the ground

Tale 1:

One story says that a new wife wondered by her mother-in-law’s corn bin never ran out, so she took a consecrated candle and looked in the bin. There she found an Aitvaras, but the candle scared it away and it disappeared.

Tale 2:

First mentioned when a neighbor suddenly became wealthy and the others investigated

Author: Wendy K. Engela

I am always ready to answer questions about my marketing business or writing... All you need to know about me is on my websites.

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