Physical properties of obsidian:

Obsidian is a glassy volcanic rock with a high vitreous luster. It often leaves sharp edges when it fractures, and has long been used for tools and weapons. It can be black, gray, brown, or green.

Obsidian has a hardness of 5 to 5 1/2 on the Mohs’ scale, and a specific gravity of 2.30 to 2.60.

Metaphysical properties of obsidian:

Obsidian is said to improve vision. This effect is said to help both your outer, physical vision, and your inner, spiritual vision. It can help you to be more psychic and is said to promote visions of future events that will effect you and your loved ones.

Obsidian can allow you to see more clearly into your very essence. It can be considered a doorway to your true inner self. It sooths and balances emotional and mental aspects, resulting in a more harmonious life.

This stone is a very protective stone. Obsidian can help dispel negative energies, protecting you from their influences as they are dispelled.

Obsidian is a nurturing stone, and can help you to accept the changes that are a part of everyone’s lives. It’s energies are a grounding and stabilizing influence.

Obsidian is said to benefit the eyes, intestines, and digestive tract.

Obsidian and synergy:

Obsidian’s energies are a good match for those born during The Moon of Frost – (23 Oct – 22 Nov). People born during this period can benefit from obsidian’s balancing and stabilizing influence.

This stone is a good choice for those born under the zodiac sign of Scorpio.


Author: Wendy K. Engela

I am always ready to answer questions about my marketing business or writing... All you need to know about me is on my websites.

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