Imbolc (Candlemass)  

The first stirrings of Spring        

1-2 August


Imbolc translates as “in the belly”. This is one of the most subtle sabbats and the only strictly feminine festival.  It is the ‘quickening’ or stirring, the promise of Spring to come, for life once again begins to stir in the barren and sleeping land.

In Nature : Winter is coming to a close.  Although it is still a bit chilly, the days are becoming noticeably longer and the sun is definitely getting warmer.  The suns warmth is starting to penetrate the coldness of the earth and the ground begins to warm up – deep in the earth, seeds begin to stir!  Even though there is no visible sign of emerging growth, we know that the growth energies are present. The Jasmine blossoms will soon start to show themselves, which is a sure sign that spring is on its way.


The God/dess :  As the sun grows in strength each day, so do the Divine children born at Yule. The Maiden Goddess will “bloom” first and in a very subtle manner – the Gods coming of age will follow in the bright colours of ‘high spring’, but for now he is only beginning to ‘show his horns’. He is unaware of the maidens blossoming and he continues to grow in strength.


At Imbolc, we celebrate the sexual awakening of the Maiden Goddess. Deep in her belly, the beginnings of womanhood, and of life, begin to stir. She realises her potential to become the Mother!


The Traditions : Imbolc is also known as Candlemass. We light candles all over the home to represent the return of the suns light and warmth. We also start to plant seeds (real ones and symbolic ones). It is a time of honouring maiden children as they come into their own, and is a traditional time for initiation ceremonies.  Burning a candle on your altar every day, will remind you that we are reaching towards the light.


The Energies :  Imbolc is a great time to start clearing out the house – a good spring clean does wonders for the energy of the home.  It is also a time to shed the winter sluggishness and get yourself motivated and ready for a bright year ahead.  This is a time of year associated with beginning growth – we make the most of this energy by planting the “seeds” of our hopes and dreams for the coming summer months.


Author: Wendy K. Engela

I am always ready to answer questions about my marketing business or writing... All you need to know about me is on my websites.

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