Reiki for free?

by Anja Heij

“I always thought one had to be given the ability to use reiki, I was made a 1st degree and always wondered how to get my second…any ideas?”
In other words: any volunteers to give me the attunement second degree for free? Yes, they are out there, try a search-engine.

In the reiki world payment for healings and attunements – initiations is passionately debated. The advocates of paid treatments state that an energy exchange in the form of money should take place; otherwise the receiver does not value what is given, which will be reflected in no or lesser healing taking place. And when it comes to initiations they find that a person should be willing to make a financial sacrifice in order to fully receive a precious divine gift. The promotors of free reiki state that reiki energy is a natural thing, that God did not charge for it, so the healer-teacher should not charge either. They should sacrifice their time to share it for free.

Please note that both parties speak of sacrifice. Making a sacrifice is a religious act. The devotee should give something to a god-head in order to receive a desired thing. The priest(ess) should perform divine services for free and rely on charity. In many religions you will find this system back of practicioners giving up worldly pleasures and possessions in devotion to the God-force. It belongs to a time in which spiritual seekers withdrew from society. The new generation of healers, teachers, spiritual workers stands amidst ordinary life.

When one lives in a temple, simple food and shelter will be supplied. When one lives in an apartment, the pay-check for the rent will be sent every month. Can one simply apply the old system of sacrificing material things on the situation of nowadays?

In former days the average prices for reiki courses were $ 125 for reiki I, $ 500 for reiki II and no less than $ 10,000 for the mastery degree. I know of masters-to-be taking on a loan to pay the mastery degree, and of many more persons unable to ever pay such. Can someone decide for you that, if you cannot afford such an amount, you are not ready to receive the gift? Isn’t that elitarian? On the other hand, can somebody decide for you that you should sacrifice your time and do it for free? Didn’t we get free will to make our own decisions? Can you freely send love and light from the heart when you feel morally forced so?

Another point is the subject of energy exchange. The classic reiki idea is that the energy transmitted by the healer or teacher should be somehow paid back by the receiver; otherwise it is a one-way action and no energy exchange has taken place. And if you have not offered something, you are unable to receive is the belief. Tit for tat. But: reiki is no money, reiki is energy, and when the person is open to receive there will always be an energy exchange between two persons. And if the (un)consciousness of the person is unwilling to receive, nothing will happen even if he paid a thousand dollars for an hour. Healing is taking place with the mind, not with the wallet.

In the name of Love and Light much arguing takes place. Reiki comes from hyperspace, from that place that is no place, where love, peace and acceptance are complete and where everything is possible, no matter what theories we come up with. If you enjoy sharing reiki for free, that is okay with the Force. If you feel happy with asking a price for your services, that is okay with the Force. Just as long as you are love and radiate love.

All the rest is secundary.

Article by Anja Heij
Copyright © 2002

Author: Wendy K. Engela

I am always ready to answer questions about my marketing business or writing... All you need to know about me is on my websites.

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