This is done on the Full Moon, and is used to summon the Her lathing, also known as the Wild Hunt. A bonfire is needed and thirteen adults, twelve horses and two children. Also some other people to watch. Each group of riders is dressed in one color.

The groups are:
3 red riders with shield and spear
3 white riders with whips
1 in a hair tunic with shield and seven chain flail
2 black riders in cowls with swords
3 blue riders with shield and javelins
1 to be the Lord of the Herlathing
The first three riders should be near the bonfire when it is lit. Once it is going they should appear.

Red Leader ” Who now brings fire to the mound at the Eve of Gomrath?”

Children “We did!”

Red Leader “Lo, my son, great the news! Wakeful are the steeds from the ancient mound. Wakeful are we, the Horsemen of Donn, Einheriar of the Herlathing. Lo, my son!”

He throws his spear and catches it. Then they gallop off to the next stand of trees. As they leave they grab the children, a boy and a girl.
At the second stand of trees, the three riders come abreast,the two carrying the children, and the leader.


Red Leader “Wakeful are the sons of Argatron! Wakeful Ulmrig, Ulmor, Ulmbeg! Ride, Einheriar of the Herlathing!”

The three men in white ride out of the trees and shout in unison.
“We ride!, We ride!”

They join the group and go off to the third spot.


Red Leader “Wakeful the son of Dunarth, north king, mound king! Wakeful is Fiorn in his hill! Ride, Einheriar of the Herlathing!”

He comes out of the trees and shouts.

“I ride! I ride!”

All of the riders go to the fourth spot.

Red Leader “Wakeful is Fallowman son of Melimber! Wakeful is Bagda son of Toll! Ride, Einheriar of the Herlathing!

The two men in black come out of the trees and shout.

“We ride! We ride!”

The company rides off to the fifth spot.

Red Leader “Wakeful are the sons of Ormar! Wakeful Maedoc, Midhir, Mathramil! Ride, Einheriar of the Herlathing!”

The three men in blue come out of the trees and shout.

“We ride! We ride!”

All fourteen people return to the original bonfire. The Red Leader rides up to the fire, sticks his spear in it, removes it and lifts both arms above his head and shouts.

“Wakeful is He in the Hill of the Dawn!”
Wakeful is He to the flame of the Goloring!
From the heat of the sun, and the cold of the moon,
Come, Garanhir! Gorlassar! Lord of the Herlathing!

The Lord of the Herlathing should be a ways away, well outside of the firelight. He should run to the fire while shouting.

“And am I not he that is called Gorlassar?
Am not I a Prince in darkness?
Garanhir, the torment of battle!

Where are my Reapers that sing of war
And a lance darting-trembling of slaughter;
Of the booming of shields in the cry of the sword,
The bite of the blue-headed spear in the flesh,
The thirst of the deep-drinking arrows of wrath,
And ravens red with the warring?

When he arrives, the Red Leader chants out.

“Swift the hoof, and free the wind!
Wakeful are we to the flame of the Goloring!
From heat of the sun, and the cold of the moon,
Hail, Garanhir! Gorlassar! Lord of the Herlathing!

When the Lord of the Herlathing arrives, all the horsemen should kneel.

Lord of the Herlathing “It is long since wendfire kindled the Goloring. What
men have remembered the Eve of Gomrath?”

The children should be brought forward.

Lord of the Herlathing “It is good to wake when the moon stands on the hill.”
The Lord of the Herlathing should remove the children from the horses and he says.
“Ride, Einheriar of the Herlathing!”

The group of riders shouts.

“We ride! We ride!”

The riders gallop away.


Garner, Alan; “The Moon of Gomrath”

Author: Wendy K. Engela

I am always ready to answer questions about my marketing business or writing... All you need to know about me is on my websites.

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