Magical Herbalism

by Diane Sylvan, Sibylline Priestess

Herbal lore has been passed from healer to healer, mother to daughter, generation after generation. Herbalism is an ancient practice of a gentle science. The uses and properties of herbs are just now reaffirming itself in the western scientific community. Holistic medicines work with the body to balance our natural chemistry. The side effects of herbs are generally less severe then pharmaceutical drugs and the benefits to the body and soul are great. Although natural healing is practiced by many it is always best to do research for yourself, seek out someone well trained, and obtain a doctor’s diagnosis for all severe medial problems. When using a natural medicine for an ailment, seek medical council if a condition is threatening your well being, worsens or has persisted for an extended period of time (1-2 weeks). Herbal medicines are powerful and can, if used incorrectly, have life threatening results.

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Chamomile – (anthemis noblis)

hardy evergreen, not a good potted plant. Wild chamomile, roman chamomile, ground apple, Roman chamomile smells like fresh apples and its the most enjoyable to use. Plant near ailing plants to revive them, next to onions to repel mosquitoes, rinse with infusion on fair hair, antiseptic. Oil: pack flowers in olive oil leave in sun for 3 weeks, add 5 or 6 drops to bath for relaxing. Burn or add to spell bag to increase money.

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The healing heat of Ginger

by Anja Heij

My first amazing experience with the healing power of Ginger was during a fasting week I assisted as a student. A bit nervous I applied slices of fresh cut Ginger on the lower back area of my teacher-naturopath, since she was suffering from back-ache since two weeks, and no cure had helped yet. Her back was then covered with towels and a blanket, and half an hour later the backpain had completely disappeared! Since I had cut far too much Ginger I decided to make a delicious tea of the left-overs with Lemon, and this combination had a surprising uplifting effect on the group of fasting people.

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