Here we come apiping,
In Springtime and in May;
Green fruit aripening,
And Winter fled away.
The Queen she sits upon the strand,
Fair as lily, white as wand;
Seven billows on the sea,
Horses riding fast and free,
And bells beyond the sand.

Continue reading “MAY DAY CHANT”

Magick Weapons by Gerald and Betty Scheuler

The practice of Enochian Magick requires the use of a Wand. However, it is preferable to use all four main magickal weapons (one for each of the four Watchtowers). You should make your own weapons, or at least inscribe appropriate sigils and/or designs on them yourself.
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Dragon Elements


Air governs the eastern quarter of the circle and of the universe. Its Dragon ruler is Sairys (sayr’-iss). Its colour is pure yellow and is thought to be warm and moist. Positive aspects are: sunrise, spring, incense, wand, bell, clouds, breezes, breath, optimism, joy, intelligence, mental quickness, renewing. Negative associations are: frivolity, gossip fickleness, inattention, bragging, forgetfulnes, windstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes and the like.

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Making a general purpose wand

Making a wand can be fun but more than that it can be a powerful tool used in your Wiccan work. Below I have outlined how to make a general purpose wand, this is open to as much or as little adjustment as you prefer. Wands can be made for a single specific purpose to give greater power to a spell. You can change the wood it is made from to correspond to properties needed within the specific spell or purpose, You can also use a different crystal, Quartz is good because it is able to adapt to what ever purpose it is needed for.
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An Easy Way To Make Your Own Wand


Stick from a tree*: This should be approx. 8″-12″ long, or whatever feels most comfortable to you. (I get mine off of the ground, there isn’t any need to harm the tree if you don’t have to.)
Glue: Tacky, Super, or Epoxy (Read bottle for best application.)
Decorations: such as crystal points, stones, ribbon, paint to draw runes or symbols.

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Learn How To Feel Life Energy

Practice #4: Take the wand and point it to sensitive parts of your body.

  1. Feel one end of the wand with the palm of any one of your hands. To feel the life energy, hold the palm about one inch from the end of the wand.
    2. Point the wand to the wrist of the hand, again one inch away.
    3. Hold your fingers in front of the wand, one by one.
    4. Point the wand toward the area of the forehead that is in the center between the eyes, one inch away.
    5. Do the same thing with any other area of your body.

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Learn How To Direct Life Force

You had your first experience with directing life energy when you practiced seeing it with the wand. For some the following practices you will need a partner. To be more effective you need also learn a preliminary practice that employs your capability to imagine. Anything that you image is structure and life energy follows structural principles easier than space-time distances. This characteristic of life force opens up truly fantastic potentials for the person who learns to use it. The whole science of magic is a result of this characteristic of life energy! Our mind creates structures in continuous sequence! This is the reason for the fact that magic is as old as mankind. Earliest man already realized that events sometimes followed visualization.

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Mysts of Annwfn
Book of Shadows
The following ritual calls for the participation of eight people, and is best performed at a large gathering. The participants include: The Maiden Goddess, the Young Lord, the High Priestess, the High Priest, and the four Watchtowers.
Specific items needed for this ritual are: a Crystal Ball, a cross of rushes, a mat, a basket, a phallic wand, a sprig of evergreen, pieces of paper, cakes, wine, and basic Altar and ritual equipment. All participants shall write upon the paper things and qualities they wish to gain during the coming season, and then place them in the basket prior to ritual.
Candlemas is the festival of the Flame, and is best performed at night. This is Brighid’s celebration. Winter is bade farewell, and as Spring approaches, it’s a time to think of love.
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