My Silverlining Wellness Development

This beautiful life…..
My personal story
I have journeyed, gathering information knowing that there is more to life than mere existence.

From a young age I wanted to be a psychologist. I came across life coaching and it changed my world.

Me, like you, have had many frustrations, struggles and heartaches which made me feel “what is the point of this life”. I realised that we can be our own greatest cheerleader by changing the way we think which in turn changes our behaviour. This in turn changes our feelings and how we respond to this life. Life can either be good or bad, it all depends on how we perceive it.

I also realised that once we “go down the rabbit hole” stuck with our own destructive thoughts, it is very difficult to get out of the same stinking thinking. For me, communication is very important to release the emotions and working through the events.

I have gone looking for answers to discover and create the life I wanted for myself.
I offer life coaching sessions which helps you with your own goals, relationship matters, phobias and really anything that you perceive that is holding you back. With this I also offer a spiritual massage called Antaneea Therapy which works with angel oils and sprays, helping you to release the emotions locked in the body.
As you are a magnificent being holding the answers, let me be your coach helping you discover your awesomeness!

Contact Charmaine Roodt:

Facebook Page

Call 079 175 0308

Reiki is Life Transforming

copyright Carol Ann Holt, 1998

As we approach the new millennium we are seeing a global shift in conscious thinking. The collective consciousness is turning within and awakening the gifts each of us hold that have been lying dormant until the timing was right. Today we are seeing that the time is at hand as more and more people are turning to alternative methods for healing, self empowerment and ascension. We are indeed ascending into the 21st century.

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What did prehistoric people think? 

The science of cognitive archaeology

Bob Trubshaw

‘One of the most taxing problems in archaeology is to determine about what and in what manner did prehistoric people think. Is it possible to make the ‘mute stones speak’, and will they tell us how (if not what) our predecessors were thinking?’

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12 – The Hanged Man

by Anja Heij

The card depicts a completely defenseless crucified man, held by the ankh, egyptian symbol of life-force. Everything is taken away from him, all he can do is surrender and trust guidance from within. He has got stuck in his old way of living or thinking, (the squares in the background, the nails), and since he is hanging upside-down he has to develop new points of view (his redemption).

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To see a bear in your dream, symbolizes independence, the cycle of life, death and renewal. It may signal of period of introspection and thinking. The dream may also be a pun on “bare”. Perhaps you need to bare your soul and let everything out into the open.

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