
The trace mineral boron is necessary for facilitating and boosting the rate of absorption for other minerals in the bodynamely the mineral calcium, the mineral magnesium and phosphorus. The loss of these minerals through the urine is controlled and regulated by the mineral boron. The health of the bones is maintained by boron acting alongside the mineral calcium and the vitamin D – their combined action also prevents the onset of osteoporosis. Food sources that are rich in boron include raisins and almonds, prunes and all fruits in general. The boron content of meat and fish is very low. Boron is best supplied by diets which have plenty of fruits and vegetables, eating such foods offer the body protection against the onset of disorders like osteoporosis and osteoarthritis, as well as problems like rheumatoid arthritis. No toxic effects have been evident from the consumption of boron in amounts normally found in supplements.

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