ORIGIN Western Semitic regions and Israel (northern Hebrew tribes) [Syria, Lebanon and Israel]. Creator god.

KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa 2500 BC to 700 BC.

SYNONYMS et elyon (most high god); et sadday (god of the mountain); et olam (everlasting god); et betel (god of storms), IL [southern Arabian].

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ORIGIN Amorite, then Canaanite and possibly Phoenician [Lebanon from Tyre northwards, Syria]. Mother goddess.

KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP from prehistoric times circa third millennium BC until Christianization (circa AD 400).


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ADONIS (lord)

ORIGIN Hellenic name adopted predominantly in Phoenician and Syrian culture and based on an old western Semitic deity [Lebanon and Syria]. Fertility and vegetation god.

KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa 200 BC (Seleucid period) to circa AD 400.

SYNONYMS Adon (lord, Semitic).

CENTER(S) OF CULT mainly at Berytus and Aphaca.

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ADAD (wind)

ORIGIN Mesopotamian (Babylonian-Akkadian).

Weather god.

KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa 1900 BC or earlier to circa 200 BC.

SYNONYMS Ramman (thunder); IS ˇKUR (Sumerian).

CENTER(S) OF CULT Karakara and at Aleppo and Mari [Syria].

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by Dr Anthony E. Smart

One of the great military queens, Marpesia began a victorious campaign at the Black Sea and soon conquered Thrace and Syria. Then, with Queen Hippo she marched through Ephesus and Cyrene, finally reaching the Aegean Sea. After settling down to rule her empire, she was called back to the battlefield to defend it from the uprising of her subjects and lost her life in the process.