
Mother goddess and goddess of war. Roman. She becomes syncretized with the Cappadocian mother goddess MA. The first known temple dedicated to Ma-Bellona by the Romans is dated to 296 BCE. Bellona was attended by Asiatic priests who performed frenzied dances and gashed themselves with swords, offering the blood on the goddess’s altars. Because of its violent nature, Rome refused officially to recognize the cult until the third century CE.

Suggestions for Exercises – Tarot Lesson 14

Exercise 14.2 – Kings

  1. King of Cups: I would sit down with my spouse to discuss his/her concerns. — (caring)
  2. King of Pentacles: I would give him five dollars. He probably needs it more than I do. — (supporting)
  3. King of Swords: I would ask my daughter for her story before making any judgments. — (just)
  4. King of Wands: I would booby trap my car so an alarm goes off if my roommate starts it. — (creative)
  5. King of Pentacles: I would tell my friend “Sorry, they need me at work.” — (reliable)
  6. King of Swords: I would accept the invitation because I’m an excellent public speaker. — (articulate)
  7. King of Cups: I would smile and patiently give my order a third time. — (patient)
  8. King of Wands: I would call a huddle and get everyone fired up again. — (inspiring)

Continue reading “Suggestions for Exercises – Tarot Lesson 14”

Suggestions for Exercises – Lesson 3 Tarot

Exercise 3.1 – What are the Suit Qualities?

  1. Cups – negative
  2. Pentacles – negative
  3. Swords – positive
  4. Swords – negative
  5. Wands – positive
  6. Pentacles – positive
  7. Cups – positive
  8. Swords – positive
  9. Wands – negative
  10. Pentacles – positive
  11. Swords – negative
  12. Wands – positive
  13. Cups – negative
  14. Cups – positive
  15. Wands – negative
  16. Cups – negative
  17. Pentacles – negative
  18. Swords – positive
  19. Pentacles – positive
  20. Swords – negative
  21. Cups – positive
  22. Wands – negative
  23. Wands – positive
  24. Pentacles – negative

Continue reading “Suggestions for Exercises – Lesson 3 Tarot”

The Ace of Swords: Seizing the Power of Discernment by Cheryl Lynne Bradley

“For the word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”
Hebrews 4:12 KJV

Continue reading “The Ace of Swords: Seizing the Power of Discernment by Cheryl Lynne Bradley”


This is an extract from an article called KNOTS OF DEATH by Alby Stone,
which appears in WEB OF WYRD #7.

A number of Viking monuments feature a curious design known as the valknut, the “knot of the slain” or, more loosely, “the knot of death”. On an 8th century CE picture stone from Hammers in Larbro, Gotland, it consists of three interlocking triangles. This stone, now in Stockholm’s National Historical Museum, is divided into several panels; one of the central panels, in which the valknut occurs, depicts several motifs that suggest some sort of connection with the cult of Odin – an eagle, a flying figure – possibly a valkyrie – holding a ring, a man being hanged from a tree and a group of three warriors – with shields and upraised swords – led by a fourth man who seems to be holding a large bird of some kind.

Continue reading “Valknut”