~ Familiars ~

Deva Bluewing

Non-Pagan history describes familiars as low-ranking demons in constant attention to Witches for the purpose of carrying out spells and bewitchments. Familiars usually assumed animal forms – cats, toads, owls, mice and dogs seem to have been the most common – though virtually any animal or insect could be suspected. In the Witchcraft Trials, if so much as a fly buzzed in the window while someone suspected of being a witch was being questioned or tried, it was said to be her (or his) familiar. The inquisitors took the Bile to heart: those who had familiars were “an abomination unto the Lord” and should be “Put to death: they shall stone them with stones: Their blood shall be upon them” (Lev. 20:27).

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Dragon Spell


It’s suitable for long-term projects or dreams that will take time to produce the results you want. Simple, effective, and catches the attention and cooperation of dragons.

You will need a small basket or bowl and one or more egg-shaped stones. If you like, you can line the basket or bowl with cloth, dried herbs, or fluffy material, such as cotton or wool. Put the bowl in a place where you will see it every day.

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by Cyril Korolev

In Russian folklore Alatyr is a magic stone, “father of all stones”, a holy omphalos possessing healing properties.
This stone is placed in the center of the Booyan Island. As a legend says, healing rivers flow from beneath Alatyr and on it stands the World Tree (it could be oak, apple tree or cypress). This stone is guarded by mythical monsters – Gagana-bird and Garafena the snake.

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– Neuralgia, melancholy, fevers, inflammations, penetrates subconscious blockages, throat chakra, sore throat, energy focuser for teachers, lecturers & speakers, mental & spiritual cleanser, used on 3rd eye for meditation, eliminates old & negative emotions, use with other healing stones, thought form amplification, helps in creating mantras. Blue or green.


— This is another of my favorite stones. It comes in beautiful transparent shades of blue, green, and lavendar. It works well to strengthen the power of all other stones. It helps to straighten out the thoughts, and has the ability to reduce the level of emotions in any situation, so that a more accurate, logical perspective can be had. It also heightens analytical abilities, and effectively lowers anger, depression, and desperation.











Clear Quartz:

Mirror of the soul, representing our uniqueness and our journey towards clarity; an excellent stone for meditation. In combination with other stones, enhances their energy. Stores, amplifies, transforms, and focuses energy. Natural crystal point.




– This is one of my favorite stones!!! It is a beautiful apple-green colored stone from Australia, which is useful in soothing heartache and loneliness, promoting emotional balance, and granting inner strength and peace. Chrysoprase can help to promote courage and can open and heal old traumas and grief. It is also a helpful stone to use in creating a bond of trust with the Goddess.

Crystal & Stones Magick

So, how do Stones and Crystals work then?

Crystal are a naturally occurring form of each element, whereby the basic structure of the atoms contained within the Crystal are absolutely perfectly aligned, creating a perfect lattice, the most compact form that the elements of the Crystal can form. Although the atomic structure of Crystals wasn’t discerned until this century, people have long been drawn to the forms of Crystal that can be found, either for their beauty or how they feel to the touch. Tis only natural then that with having these Crystals around them that those sensitive to their power would begin to work out what they could be used for.

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*From lightest sky-blue to the deep blue of the sea – aquamarines show all these shades of an exceptionally beautiful range of usually light blues. It is a truly fascinating stone. Women all over the world covet it because of its fine blue colour, which suits almost any complexion or eye-colour to perfection, and creative gemstone artists get their inspiration for new cuts more often from aquamarines than from other stones.

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