Black Tourmaline:

Simply excellent at repelling negativity. Can protect a person from the negativity of another person. Increases vitality, energy, emotional stability, and intellectual acuity. Protects against negative spells. Excellent for grounding. It can point you in the direction of things that will bring “good”. Concidered a “teller stone”…can tell you who or what is causing you problems.



Alumina (Aluminum)

by Anja Heij

Aluminum is a very light and easy transformable metal, associated with the planet Neptune and the sign Pisces. In astrology Neptune has to do with fading away, dissolving, excarnation, anonymity. This excarnation can work out in a positive way (mysticism, visions, psychic abilities, spirituality, dreams, ecstasy, inspiration) but it can also bring about confusion, intoxication, poisoning, decadence, delusion, addiction, degeneration, deformation and decay: the material world looses its solidity and stability. Pisces ‘rules’ the feet.

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