Psychic Empowerment Is Not Just for People That Want to Be “Psychic!”

This article was written by Carl Llewellyn Weschcke posted under Psychic Powers & ESP

The recently released Psychic Empowerment for Everyone by Joe Slate and myself is more than a book showing the reader how to develop natural psychic powers into trained and reliable psychic skills.

Continue reading “Psychic Empowerment Is Not Just for People That Want to Be “Psychic!””


SYSOP’S NOTE: This excellent food-for-thought was downloaded from EarthRite BBS, 415-651-9496. – Talespinner, Sysop, WeirdBase
NOTE: This document appears to be adapted from the work of  Amber K in “Covencraft : Witchcraft for Three or More“, 1998 Llewellyn Publications.

Before you go a step further, take a good long look at your desires, motivation and skills. What role do you see yourself playing in this new group? “Ordinary” member? Democratic facilitator? High Priestess? And if the last — why do you want the job?

The title of High Priestess and Priestess are seductive, conjuring up exotic images of yourself in embroidered robes, a silver crescent (or horned helm) on your brow, adoring
celebrants hanging on every word which drops from your lips…

Continue reading “FOOD FOR THOUGHT”


by Alernon

Come to us: Eagle, Wolf, Bear and Cougar.
Dance we now The Power dances.

Eagle soaring above the peaks,
Share with us freedom, majesty and fighting skills.
Teach us lessons we need to learn.
Dance with us The Power dances.
Continue reading “POWER ANIMALS”