
by: Gerald and Betty Scheuler

Enochian Magick specifies thirty special zones called the Aethyrs, or Aires. These range from TEX, the lowest, which interfaces our Earth, to the highest, LIL, which interfaces the world of divinity. The Enochian magician learns to leave his or her physical body and travel through these Aethyrs in his or her Body of Light—the aura of modern occultism and Theosophy. As this happens, the principles that create and sustain existence manifest themselves to the traveler. He or she learns what life is all about, and what his or her purpose in life is to be. He or she can then learn the lessons of manifested existence and free him or herself from the forces of karma and reincarnation in a single lifetime. Like the jivamukti of Vedanta, the Enochian magician can become liberated while living—a living embodiment of spiritual knowledge and power. This is the ultimate goal of Enochian Magick.