
Castor, a figure in Greek mythology the twin brother of Polydeuces (Pollux), is one of the twin stars that form the constellation Gemini. He is the son of Zeus and a mortal, Leda of Sparta. Castor and his brother were born from eggs after Zeus visited Leda as a swan. Since Castor’s mother was mortal he became mortal also.

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Buddha and Reiki: A Personal Experience

by Anja Heij

The Buddha and Reiki are in a beautiful way related in my life. Perhaps not so amazing, since the man who discovered Reiki, Mikao Usui, was a Japanese Buddhist.
About three years ago I bought a bronze with gold plated Buddha statue in Ladakh. It sits on my altar on a heavy marble socle, surrounded by other religious objects. I worked on free information for the web site. A friend told me that I should ask money for my work, but I chose to first show people my way of approaching subjects for free; in a later phase I wanted to implement Reiki courses on payment.

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Cantharis (Spanish Fly)

by Anja Heij

The Cantharis vesicatoria, or Lytta vesicatoria as the beetle is called nowadays is widely known under its popular name Spanish Fly. Many of us know that this little creature is used in love-potions to stimulate sexual arousal. Be careful however, since cantharidine taken in large doses is poisonous; it causes vomiting and burning pain of the urinary track.

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Bow and Arrow

by Alex Hopson

Bows and arrows have been present in Egyptian culture since it’s predynastic origins. The nine bows symbolise the various peoples that had been ruled over by the pharaoh since Egypt was united. The goddess Nekhbet symbolised the unity of the peoples under the pharaoh, her epitaph was ‘She who binds nine bows’ The arrow itself was a symbol of divine power, which was personified by Neith, the goddess of war, whose cult was symbolised by two crossed arrows. Two crossed arrows could also represent the power of Hemsut, which was a female form of Ka.

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Straight Talking

Alby Stone

Way back in 1980, Jim Kimmis drew the attention of earth mysteries researchers to Eric Partridge’s work on the Indo-European root word *reg- (The Ley Hunter No.89). Since then, Nigel Pennick and Paul Devereux have added to these ideas in Lines on the landscape (Robert Hale, 1989, p246ff) and Paul provided an even more detailed resumé in Shamanism and the mystery lines (Quantum, 1992, p108ff).

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