Brigit was one of the great Triple Goddesses of the Celtic people.  She appeared as Brigit to the Irish, Brigantia in Northern England,  Bride in Scotland, and Brigandu in Brittany. Many legends are told  about Brigit. Some say that there are three Brigits : one sister in  charge of poetry and inspiration who invented the Ogham alphabet,  one in charge of healing and midwifery, and the third in charge of the  hearth fire, smithies and other crafts. This catually indicates the  seperate aspects of her Threefold nature and is a neat division of  labor for a hard-working goddess.

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Caledonian Wood

by Brian Edward Rise

A forest named Coit Celidon in early Welsh, purported to be the site of Arthur’s seventh battle in the Historia Brittonum. Caledonia is also an ancient name for Scotland. Roman geographers place the people called the Caledonii north of the Clyde-Forth line. The Welsh, however, applied the name to the forested area closer to the Border. Recently postulated as possibly being within the operating range of Lucius Artorius Castus and his Sarmatian calvary in the late 4th century.