In  this ritual the  Goddess becomes incarnate  in the High  Priestess. The High Priestess stands  in front of the altar with her back to it. She holds the wand in  her right hand and  the scrounge in her left.  She crosses her wrists and  crosses the  wand and  scrounge above  them while  holding them close to her breast.  The High Priest stands in front of her and says:

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by Brian Edward Rise

A town near Stonehenge in Wiltshire on the eastern edge of the Salisbury plain. During the Middle Ages there was a monastery and convent there to which, Malory says, Guinevere retired to die. Supposedly there was an early British monastic community there but if true, it was obliterated by the Saxons and it did not continue.

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Love your Friend as yourself

by the Kabbalist Rabbi Baruch Shalom Halevi Ashlag
(Steps of the Ladder, 1984, 6th essay)


“Love your friend as yourself. Rabbi Akiva says, ’This is the great principle of the Torah.’” This statement implies that if we fulfill the great principle, all of the particulars and details will follow automatically, with no effort on our part. Moreover, there isn’t even anything to do.
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Think for Yourself; Question Authority

by Anja Heij

The famous magician and occult writer Donald Michael Kraig commences his teachings by writing down the following characters on a blackboard: TFYQA, which means Think For Yourself; Question Authority. It is a sign of his greatness of mind and openness towards the spiritual path of others. In fact he says: “This is what I have come to know and these are my experiences. Consider my words and try out for yourself if what is truth for me also is truth for you. Absorb the wisdom of the outer teacher, turn inwards to hear the soft voice of the inner intuitive teacher, and let the child of both forces be born as your own wisdom. No matter how educated, experienced, famous or spiritually evolved the teacher may be, your own judgements and decisions count even more.”

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