ARCHON(S) (rulers)

ORIGIN Gnostic Christian (eastern Mediterranean]. Primordial creator gods.

KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa AD 100 to AD 400 and probably persisting later.

SYNONYMS eksousiai (authorities, Greek).

CENTER(S) OF CULT undefined cells within the area of early Christian influence.

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by Dr Anthony E. Smart

Damocles was a courtier of Dionysius the Elder. According to a legend, Damocles on one occasion commented to his ruler on the grandeur and happiness of rulers. Dionysius soon thereafter invited his courtier to a luxurious banquet, where Damocles enjoyed the delights of the table until his attention was directed upward and he saw a sharp sword hanging above him by a single horsehair. By this device Dionysius made Damocles realize that insecurity might threaten those who appeared to be the most fortunate. (Sword of Damocles: symbolic potential disaster.)


by Aldis Putelis

Dievini (diminutive plural from dievs) is a collective name for the group of minor gods of the Latvian pantheon. Mostly, the Dievini act as protecting and household gods. The word itself seems to be a more recent construction. Although being less described in the classical folklore, these could be the deities honored more in day-to-day life as the actual rulers of the household fortune and therefore of more influence.

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