Suggestions for Exercises – Tarot Lesson 14

Exercise 14.2 – Kings

  1. King of Cups: I would sit down with my spouse to discuss his/her concerns. — (caring)
  2. King of Pentacles: I would give him five dollars. He probably needs it more than I do. — (supporting)
  3. King of Swords: I would ask my daughter for her story before making any judgments. — (just)
  4. King of Wands: I would booby trap my car so an alarm goes off if my roommate starts it. — (creative)
  5. King of Pentacles: I would tell my friend “Sorry, they need me at work.” — (reliable)
  6. King of Swords: I would accept the invitation because I’m an excellent public speaker. — (articulate)
  7. King of Cups: I would smile and patiently give my order a third time. — (patient)
  8. King of Wands: I would call a huddle and get everyone fired up again. — (inspiring)

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