Dittany of Crete

Latin Name Dictamus origanoides
Gender Feminine
Parts Used Whole
Dieties Venus, Aphrodite
Magickal Uses The locals of Crete [the only known place of growth] call it “eronda” meaning “love”, and may be worn or carried to attract romantic relations. It may be served in wine or food to secure a last relationship, when fed to a romantic interest. It’s symbolism is “birth” and should be worn or carried by any expecting mother. May also be used in rituals asking for change or regernation. A small rock garden with one of these plants, will protect them home from all evils and ills.

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*Named for the Goddess, this pink stone is useful in love magick.
*Helps to open up the heart chakra and allow you to receive love, while at the same time increasing your ability to give love.
*Useful in magick designed to help draw true love and find your soul mate.
*Aphrodite is also useful in promoting fidelity and trust in an established relationship.

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Spiritual Shower

Copyright Ben Swett, 1999

reprinted with permission

To release emotional burdens and cleanse residual problems:

  1. Go apart to a quiet place. Sit comfortably. Relax each part of your body one at a time. Imagine yourself in peaceful surroundings. Take a few minutes to enjoy this feeling.
  2. Remember something that has been troubling you, but don’t get involved in it now. Just think of the general situation or relationship, and say to yourself, “There is a problem there.”
  3. Call on God or Jesus [or your own concept of a higher power]. Imagine a ray of warm white light coming down to you from above. Offer the whole problem up to the light, to the Lord. Imagine your Higher Power taking it from you, accepting it and understanding it. Let the problem go, entrusting it to God.

(If you wish, return to step 2 and remember another problem.)

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Search for Wholeness: Male-Female Twin Souls

by Anja Heij

“The worlds are just a playground of the you and I, the colorful mask of the two-in-one, I am in you like you are in me, oh love.”
Sri Aurobindo wrote these beautiful words, describing the twin soul relationship. Twin souls or twin flames are the male and female half soul whoem together form a conscious, developed soul. According to many myths and esoteric teachings there originally existed one big soul, God, who divided him-her-itself along creation into smaller souls. In the human realm this process led to individual souls for each androgynous being, and finally these souls were divided into a male and female half for each man and woman. (I believe that the story of Adam and Eve is a symbolical description hereof.)

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Staying in the Energy of Love ~ Conscious Relationships

by Anita Asman

At the beginning of a relationship, it is easy to love. You don’t have to do much to receive love. Both of you give and receive, like in a wonderful dance. We believe that love should remain like that forever. In reality, love is a continuous state of being.

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Power Objects

by Amber Wolfe

It has been said, power is effective energy. In the shamanic philosophy all aspects of the universe have energy, which has potential use and power. Developing a relationship with objects in Nature, or in Spirit, to use their energy is called developing a totemic relationship. Power objects are totems for the shaman .

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