
  1. Goddess. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). A distinct form of DURGA. The name is said to be a contraction of the names of the demonic beings Camda and Munda killed by her. She is also recognized among the SAPTAMATARA and ASTAMATARA mothers as well as sometimes being regarded as a NAVASAKTI. She stands variously on a lion, an owl and a corpse. Attributes: a large and varied assortment of objects are held. Three-eyed. Also YAMI.

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Brhaspati (lord of prayer)

Astral god. Hindu (Vedic, Epic and Puranic). The personification of the planet Jupiter. In Vedic texts he appears as a priest. The son of Angiras and the guru of the later Hindu pantheon. Considered to be almost identical with BRAHMA. His consort is the goddess TARA and his son is Kaca.

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Aparajita (unconquered)

  1. God. Hindu (Puranic). One of the eleven EKADASARUDRAS or forms of RUDRA. Attributes: bell, bowl, club, drum, hook, lance, lotus, prayer wheel, rod, rosary, shield, sword and trident.
  1. Minor god. Buddhist (Mahayana).
  2. Goddess. Hindu (Puranic). Form of DURGA.

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