S. Hahnemann’s discoveries

by Anja Heij

Homeopathy was founded by Samuel Hahnemann (1755 – 1843), a German physician. Hahnemann was an educated man; except for medicines he had also studied Greek, Latin, five other languages and philosophy. He was familiar with the ancient Greek healing-arts, and he considered philosophy to be the base of all science. His great example was Hippocrates, the Greek healer-philosopher who is both the Father of clinical and (Western) alternative medicine. Hahnemann was a practitioner of Mesmerism, nowadays we call this magnetizing (restoring energy flows in the body by laying on hands, and studying the magnetism of all phenomena) .

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Dr. Bach and his Philosophy

by Anja Heij

Dr. Edward Bach, (1886 – 1936) was a capable and famous physician, homeopath, immunologist and bacteriologist. He reached the conclusion that it is much more important to treat the mental and emotional attitude of a patient instead of his physical complaints, since one’s view of life leads to the origin of one’s disease.

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