Egyptian Temples, part II: The Priesthood by Mirjam

The basis for the country, for society and for the individual was the maintaining of Maat. When the earth is a reflection of the sky, which is lorded by Re, then Pharaoh, “son of Re”, Horus incarnated, becomes accordingly the lord of the earth.

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Bow and Arrow

by Alex Hopson

Bows and arrows have been present in Egyptian culture since it’s predynastic origins. The nine bows symbolise the various peoples that had been ruled over by the pharaoh since Egypt was united. The goddess Nekhbet symbolised the unity of the peoples under the pharaoh, her epitaph was ‘She who binds nine bows’ The arrow itself was a symbol of divine power, which was personified by Neith, the goddess of war, whose cult was symbolised by two crossed arrows. Two crossed arrows could also represent the power of Hemsut, which was a female form of Ka.

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