Medicine Stone Wheel:

The medicine wheel is used for growth, learning, and is a tool for enlightenment and assistance in areas where we need it. This Sioux medicine wheel shows seven stones in the middle represent the seven types of human personality – or the universal personality (hate, love, fear, envy, compassion, etc.). The stones encircling the inner seven stones represent plants, animals, people or something else – each regarded as having equal value. The four cardinal points represent the four paths each person is born to.

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Zodiac Descriptions


Rules – head
I am

The process of building a personality, self-centred, self-directed, leader, pioneer, courage, executive, energetic, impatient, need to learn coordination, completion and conservation, often has headaches from a failure to relax, negative attributes are arrogance and the need to dominate
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Natrium muriaticum (Sea Salt)

by Anja Heij

The sea is salt and salt are your tears; salt is used to preserve your food.
Natrium muriaticum, being the homoeopatic salt, is a medicine for preserved and frozen grief and suppressed emotions. People who need this remedy often have had a grief too big to work through, so they stored it somewhere in their personality, consciously or unconsciously. They don’t want to talk about it and often weeping is impossible for them. They feel deeply hurt inside. In order to prevent further attacks on their soul they build
an emotional ivory tower around themselves. This means that it are quite vulnerable, closed people who find it difficult to show their emotions and who keep other people at a certain distance.

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Lachesis (Venom from the Surucucu snake)

by Anja Heij

This remedy is made of the poison of the Surucucu,the Bushmaster, a very aggressive and poisonous snake, with the Latin name Trigonocephalus Lachesis.
In many cultures the snake symbolizes the instinctive forces in us, our “beastly” and emotional part. The snake in circle-form with the tail in his mouth also symbolizes the circle of life and death, creative force, rebirth, immortality and totality. In fairy-tales a snake or dragon is often the guard of a cave (symbol of the unknown, the unconsciousness), the snake as protector of our secret life. The image of the snake gives us a better understanding of the complex character of the Lachesis personality.

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