ORIGIN Greco-Roman, perhaps preceded by Etruscan. God of fire and smithies.

KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa 1500 BC until Christianization (circa AD 400).

SYNONYMS Hephaestus (Roman).

CENTER(S) OF CULT sanctuaries on Lemnos and, from circa 450 BC, in Athens opposite the Acropolis on the hill above the Agora. Also a significant shrine at Ephesus.

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FREYJA (lady)

ORIGIN Nordic (Icelandic) or Germanic. Fertility and vegetation goddess.

KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP Viking period (circa AD 700) and earlier, until after Christianization (circa AD 1100).

SYNONYMS Gefn (giver); Mardoll; Syr (sow); Horn; Skialf; possibly Thorgerda in some parts of the north.

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