
by Brian Edward Rise

In Wolfram’s Parzifal, he is the Grail King and uncle to the hero knight. Failing his sacred obligations, he is wounded by a spear point that can only be healed when questioned by his nephew. Kept alive by the Grail, he lives in constant torment and pain. On Parzifal’s first visit to the castle, he fails to ask any questions and Anfortas remains near death. After having learned compassion on his quest, upon returning Parzifal inquires of the wound and Anfortas is healed. In the opera, Wagner changes the spelling to Amfortas and makes the nature of his ordeal more complex and psychological.


by Brian Edward Rise

Parzival’s son in Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival. He must keep his identity and history a secret. His wife, the Princess of Brabant, insists on questioning him and breaks the spell and Lohengrin is borne away by a great swan. Further treatment can be found in the 13th century German romance Lohengrin. In Richard Wagner’s opera, it is explained that the Grail gives it’s guardians magical powers that depend upon them maintaining their anonymity.