Survivalists’ Guide for the New Millennium: Forward by Matthew Webb and Courtney Schmidt

We live in the midst of a crisis so immense it boggles the poor, overloaded mind of modern humanity.
The people of the world cannot seem to grasp its implications. Like a billboard whose message and image are stretched to such vast proportions that it fills the entire sky from horizon to horizon, the “big picture” of world events escapes the public comprehension. Those who see beyond the scope of the drive to work, the office, and a close circle of family and friends, can sometimes make out what this big picture is indicating. The Billboard, also known as “Reality” reads; RETURN TO NATURAL WAYS TO HEAL YOURSELF. HEAL YOURSELF TO EVOLVE. EVOLVE OR DIE. For those of us who do not see beyond immediate daily affairs, there remains only the unsolved mystery, (misery) of life. Life is not truly a mystery, yet our self imposed ignorance makes it so. Through ignorance we make mistakes and these mistakes cause pain. And pain is what we see transcribed upon the faces of sidewalk crowds like the fine print hidden in the text of an unscrupulous contract.

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