Ceremonial Mysticism reading list

From: ba@mrcnext.cso.uiuc.edu (B.A. Davis-Howe)
Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana

The following is a draft of a reading list on Ceremonial Mysticism.
Before reading the list, I ask that you read my definitions and judge it in that context. Please feel free to either post sugestions or mail them to me. Questions regarding my reasons are welcome as well, but gratuitous flames by those who view things very differently are not. If you don’t agree with my definitions or approach, that’s fine–but it is not what I’m asking. I’m looking for feedback on my approach–how to refine it and communicate it most effectively. Thanks for your help.

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Rituals, invocations and sacred space

by Anja Heij


“There is a single main definition of the object of all magickal Ritual. It is the uniting of the Microcosm with the Macrocosm. The Supreme and Complete Ritual is therefore the Invocation of the Holy Guardian Angel; or, in the language of the Mysticism, Union with God.”

-Aleister Crowley

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Alumina (Aluminum)

by Anja Heij

Aluminum is a very light and easy transformable metal, associated with the planet Neptune and the sign Pisces. In astrology Neptune has to do with fading away, dissolving, excarnation, anonymity. This excarnation can work out in a positive way (mysticism, visions, psychic abilities, spirituality, dreams, ecstasy, inspiration) but it can also bring about confusion, intoxication, poisoning, decadence, delusion, addiction, degeneration, deformation and decay: the material world looses its solidity and stability. Pisces ‘rules’ the feet.

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