Dolomite by Rhiana Moonstar

Pink/pastel/milky to clear. Clear varieties, especially pink are used to softly open and heal heart chakra.

Soothes hurt, loneliness, anxiety, etc. Facilitates giving and receiving, generosity, spontaneity, creativity, energy uplift. Calcium content strengthens bones, teeth, muscles, woman’s reproductive system; helps PMS.

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*Calcium & calcite.
*RED ORANGE stimulates 1st & 2nd Chakras for energy warmth, fertility.
*Energizes emotions.
*Muscles, blood, heart, reproductive system, thyroid, metabolism, meridians.
*Spine, bone & tissue regeneration.
*PINK Increases sensitivity, caring, compassion.
*WHITE: Soothes, heals meridians, stress, smell ability.
*BLACK: Creativity.  Repels lower energies.
*Chakras: Red Orange – Coccyx & Spleen. Pink – Heart Chakra.

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Creatine is a combination of amino acids that are stored in the skeletal muscles. These muscles can use one of its derivatives-creatine phosphate-to sustain a muscle contraction when the usual fuel-a substance called ATP (adenosine triphosphate)-has been exhausted. In simplified terms, here’s an example of how it works: when you lift a heavy weight, the muscles of your arms contract, or shorten, to provide the needed strength and resistance. The energy for this contraction is derived by converting ATP to ADP (adenosine diphospate). When the muscles’ reserves of ATP are exhausted, creatine comes to the rescue by giving over its phosphate molecule to make more ADP. High reserves of creatine phosphate allow the muscles to work longer and harder.

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Conium maculatum (Poison Hemlock)

by Anja Heij

In ancient Greece Poison Hemlock was a regularly used punishment for criminals. In 399 BC the great philosopher Socrates was killed this way; his crime consisted of teaching people to think for themselves – a great evil in old dictatorial Greece. Thanks to Plato’s documentation of this occurrence death by the poison beaker has made history. Drinking pure Poison Hemlock first gives dizziness, later on it causes paralysis starting in the feet and spreading upwards, and it becomes lethal when the paralysis reaches the breathing muscles. This is one of the many sad stories on planet Earth, but it gives us insight in the nature of the homeopathic healing Conium.

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