
Iroquois (North American Indian). A youthful heroic deity who was once mortal. He was empowered by the spirit of thunder, Hino, to conquer the Great Water Snake, enemy of humankind. The serpent devoured Gunnodoyak but was then slain by Hino, who cut open the snake, recovered the body of Gunnodoyak and returned him to his rightful place in heaven.

Eos (the Dawn) E os

Goddess of the Dawn

The beautiful goddess of the dawn, Eos (Erigeneia). In the Homeric Hymn to Helios, we are told that Hyperion married his sister, Eryphaesa, and begot tireless Helios (the Sun), rosy Eos (the Dawn) and fair tressed Selene (the Moon). In the Hymn to Aphrodite, Aphrodite falls in love with a beautiful mortal, Anchises, soon to be the father of Aineias (Aeneas). Aphrodite tells the story of Eos and her abducted lover Tithonos. When Eos went to Zeus to request immortality for her mortal lover, Zeus nodded and made it so… however, Eos did not ask for perpetual youth for Tithonos. As the years passed, he aged and, finally, lost all strength in his limbs. Eos, with love and pity, put him in a private room and shut the shining doors. We can only assume that he is still there.

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Castor, a figure in Greek mythology the twin brother of Polydeuces (Pollux), is one of the twin stars that form the constellation Gemini. He is the son of Zeus and a mortal, Leda of Sparta. Castor and his brother were born from eggs after Zeus visited Leda as a swan. Since Castor’s mother was mortal he became mortal also.

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Ba Xian

Collective name for gods. Taoist (Chinese). A group of eight divine beings, once mortal, who achieved immortality through their exemplary lifestyles. There are many such groups in Chinese religious belief. The Ba Xian are probably the most widely revered.

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