Basics of Vodou (Lesson 2)


The lwa are immortal spirits with supernatural powers. They fall somewhere between God and the human race. They are very similar to the saints, angels and demons of Catholicism. The lwa oversee all human activities such as: marriage, childbirth, health, work, money, war, art, etc.

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by Dr Anthony E. Smart

According to the Iroquois, a sky goddess who fell to the earth at the beginning of creation. She is said to have died giving birth to the twins Hahgwehdiyu and Hahgwehdaetgah, who after her death created the world from her corpse. She is associated with marriage, childbirth, and feminine crafts.

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by Dr Anthony E. Smart

This Aztec Goddess, whose name means “jade skirt” or “lady precious gren”, was matron of lakes and streams. A personification of youthful beauty and ardour, Chalchiuhtlicue was represented as a river from which grew a prickly pear tree laden with fruit, symbolising the human heart. She ruled over all the waters of the earth; oceans, rivers, rain, etc., but was also associated with marriage. Her husband is Tlaloc, the god of rain.

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by Dr Anthony E. Smart

His name means all-wise. He was a member of the dwarf race. In return for the weapons he forged for the gods he was promised Thrud, Thor’s daughter, in marriage. Thor did not like this arrangement and devised a test of knowledge to stop the marriage. He told Alvis that he had to prove that his great wisdom made up for his small stature. Thor prolonged the test until sunrise when the rays of the sun fell upon the dwarf; all dwarves turned to stone if touched by the sun’s rays.