
Polygonum bistorta
Bistort – a hardy perennial with slender stems, growing up to 30 inches tall. Each stem is topped by a dense cylindrical cluster of tiny white or pinkish flowers (May-August). Lower down the stem grow long bluish-green leaves that are lance shaped; higher up, the leaves become smaller. The rhizome of bistort (underground stem) is dark brown to
black, thick, knobby, and twisted into an S or double-S shape.

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Underworld goddess. Egyptian (Lower). Very little is known of Heret-Kau. She was recognized chiefly in the Old Kingdom (27th to 22nd centuries BC), apparently concerned with guardianship of the deceased in the afterlife and sometimes appearing as a figurine in attendance on ISIS in building foundations.

Enochian Temples: The Lower Temple

by Benjamin Rowe © 1987, 1992

The previous sections dealt with the Temple primarily in its relation to the macrocosmic world. The Servient squares were considered only in their formation as the floor, and were largely ignored otherwise. But they can also be grouped to form altars of the four Lesser Angles within the Temple.

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