Dusˇara (‘the one’ of sˇara)

Local tutelary god. Western Semitic (Nabataean). Associated with vegetation and fertility in the Hauran region from about 312 BC until circa AD 500. Regarded as a supreme deity, comparable to BAALSˇ AMIN, who never achieved Dusˇara’s popularity among the nomadic Nabataeans, for whom farming was precarious.

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Baal Sapon

Local tutelary god. Western Semitic (Phoenician).

Probably of Canaanite origin and closely equating with BAALSˇ AMIN. According to Ugaritic texts he lives on a mountain in the north of Phoenicia known as Saphan, which may have served as a beacon for mariners. Other local variations of mountain deities include Baal Hermon and Baal Brathy.

Arensnuphis [Greek]

Local god of uncertain affinities. Egyptian (Nubian). Probably significant circa 700 BC to AD 400 as an attendant of ISIS. He appeared in Egyptian sanctuaries during the Greco-Roman period and seems to have been of benevolent nature. There is also a sanctuary known from Philae in Greece where he is linked with Isis.

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